Anthony DiMichele
Anthony DiMichele
Printmaker / Artist
Printmaker / Artist
Works are categorized as listed below. Click on the category names to see a description.
catelog of works
AllMezzotintEtchingsRelief PrintsCollageMonotype / MonoprintMiniaturesORIGINAL PRINTS (Color)ORIGINAL PRINTS (BW)DIGITAL ARTGORILLA BONES (For the Coming Extinctions)
$600.00Aquatint with Photo Transfer
24 x 18 inchesQuantityComing soonSKELETON FISH (For the Coming Extinctions)
$600.00Aquatint with Photo Transfer
24 x 18 inchesQuantityComing soonMONUMENT TO MYSTIFICATION
$600.00Relief Etching
17.5 x 14.5 inchesQuantityComing soonWalls (variations)
$400.00Liquid Aquatint and enamel spray aquatint from a zinc plate
12 x 8 inches
This print has variations. Send email inquiry to see photos of individual prints.QuantityComing soonMr. and Mrs. Boxhead
$400.00Aquatint with Photo Transfers
18 x 12 inchesQuantityComing soonJack in the Box
$300.00Mezzotint from a copper plate
9 x 7 inchesQuantityComing soonSchizo
$300.00Relief Etching from a copper plate
9.5 x 11.5 inches
VARIATIONS: Printed on Magnani Pescia Pale Blue printmaking paper as well as white
Send email inquiry to view variations.SelectQuantityComing soonMarionette
$300.00Mezzotint from a copper plate
12x9QuantityComing soonThe Last Laugh
$300.00Mezzotint from a copper plate
11.5 x 5.5 inchesQuantityComing soonSuffer the Little Children to Come Unto Me
$300.00Aquatint with photo transfer
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonHumpbacks
$300.00Mezzotint from a copper plate
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonThe White Whale (Meditations on Moby Dick)
$300.00Mezzotint from a copper plate
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonThe Monkey Rope (Meditations on Moby Dick)
$300.00Monoprint from mezzotint and collagraph plates, (bleed printed)
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonAhab on the Pequod(Meditations on Moby Dick)
$300.00Monoprint from mezzotint and collagraph plates, (bleed printed)
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonThe Grand Armada (Meditations on Moby Dick)
$300.00Monoprint from collagraph and mezzotint plates, (bleed printed)
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonOn the Third Day (Meditations on Moby Dick)
$300.00Monoprint from mezzotint and collagraph plates, (bleed printed)
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonRing Leader
$300.00Monoprint from 1 collagraph and 2 mezzotint plates
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonThe Violence of Obedience
$300.00Monotype from 3 mezzotint plates
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonLaser Surgeon
11.5 x 5.5 inchesQuantityComing soonOld Blind Doll,
$300.00Aquatint with photo transfer
12 x 9 inchesQuantityComing soonLoad More